The certification training sessions conducted by UNEC for employees of the MENR have been successfully completed

The certification training sessions conducted by UNEC for employees of the MENR have been successfully completed

The certification training sessions conducted by UNEC for employees of the MENR have been successfully completed The certification training sessions conducted by UNEC for employees of the MENR have been successfully completed

A meeting was held with the participants who completed the “Training of Trainers” (TOT) program organized by the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) for the employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR).

Rector, Professor Adalat Muradov, highlighted that, at the initiative of MENR, UNEC successfully conducted the “Leadership Mini MBA” and “Training of Trainers” certification programs to enhance the leadership skills and soft skills of the ministry’s employees. He emphasized that the organization of these training programs at UNEC reflects the high regard in which MENR holds the university’s training services.

Professor Adalat Muradov underscored the significance of certification programs in enabling universities to swiftly adapt to the rapidly changing world. He stated, “We acknowledge that the modern university model faces serious challenges. The world is changing rapidly, but universities encounter difficulties in adapting to these changes at the same pace. People must continuously enhance their qualifications and acquire new skills. One of the solutions to this issue is the organization of lifelong learning, which has gained significant momentum worldwide. The acceptance of certificates by employers can positively contribute to the development of lifelong learning and the formation of an education services market. In this regard, the accreditation of certifying institutions remains a pressing issue. As UNEC, we are prepared to establish such an accreditation center and ensure its international accreditation.”

Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Vugar Karimov, emphasized that certification programs are an indispensable means of swiftly acquiring new knowledge and skills and praised the high-quality organization of these programs at UNEC. He further stated that UNEC is MENR’s closest partner in the ministry’s Training Development Strategy.

Following the speeches, Rector Adalat Muradov and Deputy Minister Vugar Karimov congratulated the employees who successfully completed the training and presented them with their certificates.


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