Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali “Art features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Tradition and modernity"

Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali “Art features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Tradition and modernity"

Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali “Art features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Tradition and modernity" Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali “Art features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Tradition and modernity"

At the National Museum of Arts of Azerbaijan hosted a lecture “Art features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Tradition and modernity" by researchers Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali from the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS

The lecture “Artistic features of tombstones of Azerbaijan. Traditions and Modernity” by researchers Rustam Huseynov and Mehdi Ali from the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS was held at the National Museum of Arts of Azerbaijan. The event was dedicated to the latest anthropological research of the Institute of Archeology and Anthropology of ANAS in the field of burial traditions in Azerbaijan.

At the lecture, the audience was shown the features of the artistic design and epigraphy of tombstones in Azerbaijan, the process of the emergence of the classical tradition, its destruction in the 70s of the 20th century and the process of degradation were revealed. Pre-Islamic elements and pagan symbols in the design of tombstones were shown in detail, and their genesis in subsequent eras was traced.

Special attention was paid to runic monuments on the territory of Azerbaijan, their features, location, current state, legal status and influence on the artistic style of subsequent eras.

A large amount of lecture material was devoted to the unique monuments of Azerbaijan, which make it possible to trace the genesis of cultural traditions and accurately date the time of change in cultural codes.

Of particular interest to the audience were the runes on funerary monuments and the presence of pagan symbols on the tombstones of the Islamic era, the facts of mixing styles and the existence of different types at the same time. The lecture aroused great interest from the participants, who asked a number of questions about little-known facts. The greatest interest of the audience was caused by the problems of deciphering the meaning of runic signs in Azerbaijan.

The purpose of the event is to attract the audience’s attention to modern anthropological research and stimulate interest in studying little-known details of the history and culture of Azerbaijan.


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